The Subscriber Hub gives you access to tools, apps, tutorials, and more that will enhance your tactics and strategies for increasing your credit scores (or your clients!)
Ready to deconstruct 3 of my best dispute letter strategies, ?
Every choice your make with your disputes either increases or decreases your chances of getting results. The Impact Map explains 3 different strategies you can take (out of tons) to increase your results.
3 Of My Best Dispute Letter Strategies Deconstructed: Factual, Tactical & Challenge
If there were only 1 strategy or tactic or method, getting results would be as simple as all consumers sending the same letter, waiting 30 days and BOOM. Job done.
Unfortunately, it doesn't work like that and the most important thing to remember is that proper preparation prevents poor performance.
Because of this, I've created quite a few resources that will help you in your preparation process to ensure maximum results and minimal duration while also achieving permanent deletions and corrections.
The Dispute Impact Mapping breaks down and explains 3 different strategies you can use as well as the dispute reason levels.
Simply click the link to access this now and you'll get access to the video and the canvas access link to browse the board yourself.
Can you win the Dispute Scenario Game?
If it were as simple as playing a game to learn everything you needed to know to obtain the results you were looking for, then I'd be a fazillionaire, so let's not kid ourselves. This is NOT a learn-all game (cuz it's doesn't exist).
What it is, is a cool little scenario game that gives you account info for 2 charge-offs and there's 8 possible outcomes based on your choices. In the end, you'll either win or lose the game.
Do you have what it takes to win?
Anatomy of a Dispute Letter explains the required details of a letter.
Anatomy of a Dispute Letter explains each and every required section of the dispute letter and its requirements. It also includes 2 different dispute flow examples as well as a few dispute reason examples.
This dispute reason formula is backed by science (in other words, over 27,300 dispute split tests!), and makes it easy to understand what your dispute reason format should be.
Check out how fast & easy it is to use the Perfect Dispute Reason Creator here.
Simply use the form to enter/choose your options and then copy the result from the database. This can be pasted directly into your dispute letter or onto a fresh page for editing for further optimization!
Check out the easy, step-by-step instructions here.