Student loans can literally be the difference between getting a mortgage, credit card, vehicle, etc. and having to settle for waiting and wanting.
What's worse is that you're usually dealing federal student loans, which are even harder to get rid of than private loans and regular charge-offs!
This means waiting longer, and a lot of consumers don't even get them removed. Seriously.
In this mini-course, we're going to cover:
How to correct the late payments on student loans to UPDATE the account to reflect zero late payments
How to remove the entire student loan account by disputing the late payment history
The reason why student loan accounts virtually always report late payments beginning with 90 days, and why this is something you can dispute
Example student loan account dispute reasons for updating, and for removing
How to handle student loan collections, such as with US Dpt Education
What to do when the bureaus verify the accounts as accurate (very important!)
Here's what this mini-course is NOT:
It's not a letter - it's the dispute REASON that removes or updates the account based on the facts reported on the credit report
It's not a template - templates do not work. You need to put the work in to determine WHY the account needs to be removed in the first place
It's not some fake promise that removing or correcting student loans is easy - it's not! These are just a difficult to remove from your credit report as a bankruptcy. Sometimes, they're impossible.
It's not some course that gives you unrealistic expectations - dude, if you don't learn to do this the right way, it's never going to happen for you. Learn to do this the right way and you put yourself in the best position to get results
Still with me? If so, click on "Buy Now" and let's get this done.